© 2024

Photography and drawing
21 x 25 cm, 2005

An attempt to dissolve the photographic image by continuing to draw with pencil the composite lines of a photo at its boundaries. The format of the work is expanded forcing its perception on an exaggerated level, simultaneously questioning the truth of photography.

>White balloonsWhite balloons
Photography and drawing
21 x 25 cm, 2005
>White balloonsWhite balloons
Photography and drawing
21 x 25 cm, 2005
>White balloonsWhite balloons
Photography and drawing
21 x 25 cm, 2005
>White balloonsWhite balloons
Photography and drawing
21 x 25 cm, 2005
>White balloonsWhite balloons
Photography and drawing
21 x 25 cm, 2005
>White balloonsWhite balloons
Photography and drawing
21 x 25 cm, 2005
>White balloonsWhite balloons
Photography and drawing
21 x 25 cm, 2005
>White balloonsWhite balloons
Photography and drawing
21 x 25 cm, 2005
>White balloonsWhite balloons
Photography and drawing
21 x 25 cm, 2005
>White balloonsWhite balloons
Photography and drawing
21 x 25 cm, 2005
>White balloonsWhite balloons
Photography and drawing
21 x 25 cm, 2005