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Video, Color, Sound, English, Loop, 2008

In the video reconstructing an image (2008), the developing of a photo, namely the soonto- be-defunct Polaroid, is shown in the interplay between film and photography. In the spoken text of the video the artist reflects on transience and absence within the medium, about temporal courses of action, and about the description of visual content. The intimacy of the mock home movie refers to the viewer’s experience with the subject. The detective’s approach serve the artist’s method. She detects the functionality of the popularly produced image, rendering visible the structural phenomena of image and representativeness whereby the possibilities of creating in tandem the visible and invisible are simulated.

>Reconstructing an imageReconstructing an image
Video, Farbe, Ton, Englisch, Loop, 2008
>Reconstructing an imageReconstructing an image
Video, Farbe, Ton, Englisch, Loop, 2008